lørdag, april 08, 2006

The {21} Challenge, day 13

Dagens sider er en eksplosjon i farger... Fikk se denne reklamen for morgendagens avis, og greidde ikke motstå den, akkurat slike farger jeg vil omgi meg selv med om våren. Glade og friske farger :o)

Påsketuren vår er utsatt med en dag, så jeg rakk å laste opp dagens journal før leggetid og avreise i morgen.

Ha en strålende påske, igjen ;o)

The pages for today is a explotion of colours... Found this add in todays newspaper and couldn't resist it. Just the colours I love this time of year! Happy and cheerful :o)

Our vacation is delayed with a day, so I was abls to put in todays page before leaving.

Have a tremendeous vacation everyone, again ;o)

7 kommentarer:

banglamarie sa...

Det er så godt å kikke innom bloggen din! Så full av glade farger!!!
God påske og god tur!!

Kari sa...

Fun stuff...I love it!! Those buttons are fabulous:) Have a great trip.

Maggie Lamarre sa...

your entries are beautiful luv all the cheery colours.

Åshild sa...

Enig med Marie - herlige sider og farger! God tur :)

Unknown sa...

En skikkelig eksplosjon av farger... Nyyydelig... :)

Lita sa...

I had some catching up to do since the cold I have sucked the life out of me...

You definitely bring fun to my world, your art is beautiful and frivolous, charming and so so perfect!!!!

Kari sa...

Hope you had a nice vacation. Can't wait to see more of your work. You have been such an inspiration for me during these two 21 day challenges. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog as well. I'm just going to start a new project. Of course I would LOVE for you to join, if you're interested. Check it out out http://artsymama.blogspot.com/2006/04/invitation-to-book-of-dreams.html